
Sunday, March 29, 2015

Fidelity to those you love

 Fidelity to those you love

The pair returned to the house drunk, breaking crockery and then vomited and fell to the ground. His wife came and pulled it up and took him to the bed and then cleaned the place.
When the man woke up in the morning, expected to be his wife is angry that night happened yesterday called God not occur
A quarrel between them
The pair was surprised when he found a message from his wife telling him where: "Ready your breakfast favorite on the table, my dear. I had to get out to an early buy widgets missing from the grocer. I'll be back
Here are speeding darling. I love you. "
Latif was surprised by her words despite committed when he was drunk, and he asked the child: "What happened last night?"
The child replied: "When the mother tried to carry you to bed and remove your shoes and your shirt for you, you're drunk Calmette and I told her not Tabuthai me, my woman, Atrkina my business and I am a married man!" Said the man decided to pay attention to the state and cares about his wife and his family
Lesson: Do not encourage the commission of sins but Sincerity makes people exceed all our mistakes, we Vennsaleh and forgive others !! ~

In French :

La fidélité à ceux que vous aimez

La paire est retourné à la maison ivre, casser la vaisselle puis vomi et est tombé au sol. Sa femme est venue et a tiré vers le haut et l'ont emmené vers le lit et ensuite nettoyé la place.
Quand l'homme se est réveillé le matin, devrait être sa femme est en colère parce que la nuit se est passé hier appelle Dieu se produit pas
Une querelle entre eux
La paire a été surpris quand il a trouvé un message de sa femme lui dire où:.. "Prêt votre petit déjeuner préféré sur la table, mon cher, je ai dû sortir pour un buy widgets début manquants chez l'épicier, je vais être de retour
Voici accélérer chérie. Je te aime. "
Latif a été surpris par ses paroles, malgré commis alors qu'il était ivre, et il demanda à l'enfant: «Qu'est-ce qui se est passé la nuit dernière"
L'enfant répondit: «Quand la mère a essayé de vous transporter au lit et enlever vos chaussures et votre chemise pour vous, vous êtes ivre Calmette et je lui ai dit de ne pas moi, ma femme, Atrkina mon entreprise et je suis un homme marié Tabuthai" dit l'homme a décidé de prêter attention à l'état et se soucie de sa femme et de sa famille
Leçon: Ne pas encourager la Commission des péchés, mais la sincérité rend les gens dépassent toutes nos erreurs, nous Vennsaleh et pardonner aux autres !! ~

arabe : 

الاخلاص لمن تحب

عاد الزوج إلى المنزل ثملاً فكسر آنية فخارية ثم تقيأ وسقط أرضاً. فجاءت زوجته وسحبته إلى الأعلى وأخذته إلى السرير ثم قامت بتنظيف المكان.
عندما استيقظ الرجل في الصباح، توقع أن تكون زوجته غاضبة مما حدث ليلة أمس فدعا الله ألا تحدث
مشاجرة بينهما
تفاجأ الزوج حين وجد رسالة من زوجته تقول له فيها: "إفطارك المفضل جاهز على المائدة يا عزيزي. اضطررت إلى الخروج باكرة لأشتري الحاجيات الناقصة من البقال. سأعود
إليك مسرعة يا حبيبي. أحبك."
استغرب من كلامها اللطيف رغم ما اقترفه عندما كان مخموراً، فسأل طفله: "ما الذي حدث ليلة أمس؟"
فأجاب الطفل قائلاً: "عندما حاولت أم أن تسحبك إلى السرير وتنزع حذاءك وقميصك عنك، كنت ثملاً كالميت وقلت لها لا تعبثي معي يا امرأة، اتركيني وشأني فأنا رجل متزوج!"قرر الرجل ان ينتبه الى حاله ويهتم بزوجته واسرته
العبرة : لا نشجع على ارتكاب الخطايا لكن الإخلاص يجعل الناس تتجاوز عن أخطائنا، فننصلح نحن ويسامحنا الأخرون

Good luck
bonne chance
حظا موفقا

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Access all of ...Entry fee smile

Access all of ...Entry fee smile

Smile sharp As the knife blaze by the difficulties of life and laughter Drops dew guest by concerns days
Gift of life and family friends gift gift also everything gift and grace of the Almighty and the blessings deserve praise and thanks lasts until ......... Each one of us own features is not always money or beauty or luxury car may be others love you

Smile sharp

Some lessons

Do not you give opinion does not want ... do not you nor Thanked opinion beneficent

Concealment of secrets
If one divulges his secret with his tongue, and L is the other wacky
If the Fed released one about the secret itself, which was promulgated Istoda password narrower

* Amnesty

What did not forgiven Ohakd on a Eran myself from their animosities
I pay tribute to the enemy when you see it pay Evil Me greetings
Showed humans to humans as I hate to have stuffed my heart Mohabbat
People and People's disease drug proximity In Aatzalhm cut Modat

* Silence safety

They were minted Jusamt? I told them that the answer key to the door of evil
The silence from the ignorant or foolish honor and also to safeguard the supply repair
As you see Assad feared a silent? The dog Ikhssa for my age, a NBA
Ikhatabna Fools all the nastiness Vol be replying to him
More than foolishness Vozad dream Matter Zadeh arson good

Some men believe that man .. just simply not being a woman

In French :

Accédez à tous ... Frais d'inscription sourire

Sourire brasier Chalskan forte par les difficultés de la vie et de rires Kaqtarat rosée invité par des préoccupations jours
Don de la vie et de la famille amis don cadeau aussi tout ce don et la grâce du Tout-Puissant et les bénédictions méritent des éloges et grâce dure jusqu'au ......... Chacun de nous caractéristiques propres ne est pas toujours de l'argent ou de la beauté ou voiture de luxe peut être autres que vous aimez
Quelques leçons

Ne vous donnez opinion ne veut pas ... ne pas vous ni opinion remercié bienfaisante
donnez opinion

Dissimulation de secrets

Si l'on divulgue son secret avec sa langue, et L est l'autre loufoque
Si la Fed a publié une sur le secret lui-même, qui a été promulguée Istoda passe étroite

* Amnesty

Ce qui n'a pas pardonné Ohakd sur une Eran moi-même de leurs animosités
Je rends hommage à l'ennemi quand vous le voyez payer salutations Mal Me
Montré homme à l'homme que je déteste avoir peluche mon cœur Mohabbat
De la maladie et les personnes drogues la proximité Dans Aatzalhm coupé Modat

* La sécurité Silence

Ils ont été frappées Jusamt? Je leur ai dit que la clé de réponse à la porte du mal
Le silence de l'honneur ignorant ou stupide et aussi pour sauvegarder la réparation d'approvisionnement
Comme vous le voyez Assad craignait un silencieux? Le chien Ikhssa pour mon âge, un NBA
Ikhatabna Fools toute la méchanceté VOL être lui répondre
Plus de folie Vozad rêve Matter Zadeh incendie criminel bonne

Certains hommes croient que l'homme .. tout simplement pas être une femme

Thank you


World Tour**ism: Trip of a lifetime...........Rodrigues Island

World Tour**ism: Trip of a lifetime...........Rodrigues Island: Trip of a lifetime  When you reach it changed your life and you feel you are in another planet  The beauty and landscape r...

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Draw a smile

Draw a smile 


Photos of the most beautiful and most wonderful of animals in the world here:

 Charming smile

Charming smile does not need white teeth but white heart
Fa smile sentences are children smile because they have no teeth to eat
Flesh and then smile at you

If you want to taste the taste of life, breathe, and live with optimism, and I love the challenge, seize opportunities, be confident linearity, locked relying wholeheartedly!

Smiley does not mean it is free of aches but they have the ability to draw a smile despite the challenge of pain to loved ones happy is.


In the day upon a time corresponding to the ugliness and beauty at the seaside
He asked that the beauty of ugliness Asobha a little water ...
Beauty and ugliness stripped their clothes and went down to the water and taking in swimming
But after a while ... turned ugly and out of the water and the beauty wearing clothes
He went out !!
As beauty came out of the water did not find his clothes !! Fajgel all ashamed of
To be naked!
.. But did not find clothes ugliness Vertdaha also made his way between
People are very few people know that despite the ugliness clothes
Beauty that worn !!
And also distinguish beauty despite the ugliness apparent
Them naked !!
So ..
Do not be fooled by appearances in the world and their desire was surrounded paradise and is surrounded with difficulties
Fire desires ....
Do not be fooled by appearances in people ,, it is better to see the substance inside



The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the "illusion of knowledge."


Life taste memories

Life taste memories   

Around the world

Like a few words here or there
Not only for the beauty of sense, but for contact with the strings of our hearts
Even though multiple stories, but that's the same and same pain..!

No one got old once you live many years
We grow when we fled our thoughts
Years may wrinkle the skin, but give up enthusiasm wrinkle is causing to our souls

P and b or and the RV e y. . And t s note, in order for the d of j only the extend AP. .. And no I was not there for him for the extend August RV e y, or RV e y h and l WA to extend up..!

# Of fates always take our people. ..
We think that our lives without him, but it will stop a..
Offering a return of can't afford to live in.
List a and among those which followed there as.
Persons remain in their inside an important revival..
Baadtna spaces and intertwined fates and..
To be lhiatn a taste without his memory me  
The prettiest what happens in moments of controversy; is the frankness with which it had hidden the compliments

The passage of time

The passage of time

Over time you will understand that some people do not deserve all this attention paid to them, and realize that people who deserve all the attention has migrated from the outset


Whatever you're perfect
It will force you to Angels
She hates her demons

"The man must be great for recognises his mistakes and intelligent enough to use, and very powerful to be able to fix it "

 Happy life filled with joy and happiness

Women's law

Women's law

In the mirror if she wants to love you hate all women in the world!! Great women. Inspire men either
Smart women.. It raises interest while the
Beautiful women in. Don't move in men is more than just feeling impressive but
Women roll/women Ann. .. Only WINS in the end

Good morning white as your hearts



Some people like their separation homelands weird, and others such as life, death, and others their separation as their separation life diseases

True love

 True love

Yes but endowed and Majerank Day
And Mardt Ona Ajerg even Dnona
Bjeet because it is Almodk tear Aalkhaddan
Unknowingly Khaddoda latent Msahn eyes
Maabjee Almodk but tear eye
Blood Abjee you people Hafinu
They asked Aalbjee and Kalou Speck
Rest Pil Kllhm darling of Donny
I Saw You dream like moon of Eid
Volkswagen to Maaid Beck Ardoe
Network dream of eye glances
I saw Ajvon eye Hpkin Ajfinu
Draw a picture of the scene received eye
Received Draw Cpkhmenhh Hbikuna
I went from the drawing up of incentives to sleep
Arawi people Klhh This substantive
I Saw a coincidence that he became negative earners